Modeling Complex Interactions of Overlapping River & Road Networks in a Changing Landscape, Puerto Rico

Criterion One- Intellectual Merit: The importance of road and river network intersections in determining dynamic changes to landscapes will be tested using individual/agent-based simulation modeling that integrates field-based physical, biological and social sub-models. We focus on the road-river linkages because river ecosystems are vulnerable to anthropogenic perturbations that are related to road access (e.g., invasion by non-native species and over-harvesting). Our basic premises are that:
  1. flows of energy through river and road networks, as well as food webs, have some fundamental similarities related to network topology;
  2. a hierarchy of physical processes is altered by distinct thresholds of human access and use of rivers;
  3. different locations within the spatial hierarchy of a drainage network alter access and intensities of land use as well as species diversity;
  4. aquatic food webs respond to selective harvest of topo-trophic level consumer species and cumulative additions of non-native species.

Using this approach we will test four hypotheses regarding individual usage and landscape responses to changes in the road network in four watersheds that vary in land use, road density, and access by people. We expect that simultaneous modeling of physical, hydrological and social networks within an individual/agent-based framework will result in reduced error variance relative to isolated subsystem models. The project will also develop the use of network theory in enhancing communication and insight across disciplines. Click HERE for more information!